Operational Excellence
CallisonRTKL’s Operational Excellence Group eliminates investment risk through up-front, low-cost performance modeling and takes evidence-based design to a new level. We are about foregoing the guesswork and using the right information applied in a systematic, quantitative way to run a leaner, more effective facility. You can invest confidently in the future knowing that your new or renovated facility will precisely meet all of your performance objectives.
Aligns your organization’s culture, values, people and behaviors to achieve desired strategic results.
Taps multiple communication channels and techniques to provide employees the right information at the right time, soliciting their input and feedback.
Engages leadership at all levels of the organization to foster ownership and engender collegiality.
Measures, through clear and tangible metrics, the success of change implementation.
Relies on proven collaborative approaches like Lean and Six Sigma which cross operational boundaries and drive sustainable improvement.
Engages front-line staff and key stakeholders to find and fix problems to ease change implementation and boost sustainability.
Assesses operations and care delivery in major departments and services, including OR, ED, pharmacy, nursing units, supply chain and more to achieve performance goals.
Provides significant advantages over real life experimentation in terms of cost, time and repeatability in areas where variability, disruption and complexity exist.
Optimizes your system around key performance indicators by building a fully virtual operation, including its inherent variability and interdependencies.
Reduces the emotion and guesswork out of decision making by providing fact-based quantitative evidence.
Prioritizes improvement activities by strategically aligning your organizational goals with financial impact.
Identifies how opportunities for improvement directly impact financial health in terms of cost savings, cost avoidance and/or revenue enhancement.
Calculates return on investment for any changes to processes, methods and/or facilities.
Harvests and examines raw data through advanced analysis to enhance executive decision-making.
Verifies or disproves existing models, theories and behaviors.
Applies proven scientific methods to find the right solution in the shortest time possible.
Employs enhanced data collection methods providing the capability to collect data where none existed previously.