Posts about You Are Here

The Complex Dance of Healthcare Transitioning

Perhaps no industry has experienced more disruption in the last decade than healthcare. Roiling rip tides of legislation, quantum leaps in new technology and growing consumer sophistication are only a few of the change agents that have made healthcare today almost unrecognizable to an observer from the early 2000s. And, yet, amid this change, one […]

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Playing the Long Game: Chadstone Shopping Centre

Playing the Long Game is a series from CallisonRTKL’s You Are Here discussing the evolution of retail and the projects that are doing it all. Today, director in CRTKL’s London office Jorge Beroiz discusses the retail evolution of the Chadstone Shopping Centre in Melbourne, Australia. This year, Chadstone won the ICSC’s 2019 VIVA Award for […]

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They Promised Us Jet Packs

Up until very recently, almost every meeting I’ve had about a new project would find its way to a discussion about autonomous vehicles (AV) and how we can now reduce the parking requirement and create more leasable area or greater density. In fact, let’s ditch parking altogether, no one will need a below-grade garage or […]

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Retail Re-invention: Five Questions to Ask

It is a truth universally acknowledged, even to those of us who make a living designing them, that the traditional enclosed shopping center has courted better prospects. The conventional dumb-bell mall is a development model that has cried out for re-invention for at least the last decade (some would claim longer), and the need for […]

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Greening the City

Residential Associate Director Matt Pickering shares insights from CRTKL’s Manchester panel and the conversation that ensued about the value of the 11.4 million trees in Greater Manchester to both the economy (£33 million) and to people’s well being. Recently, CallisonRTKL’s Manchester office hosted the second event in our Human-Centric Urbanism series. We’re talking to people […]

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