Posts about You Are Here

Suburban Shift

There’s no question that “home” means different things to different people, but there’s also an undeniable trend—particularly among, though not exclusive to, the millennial set—indicating a preference for an urban lifestyle. In the minds of many would-be and existing homeowners and renters, the white picket fences are being torn down in favor of something a […]

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Optimized Mobility and Safer Streets: Creating Harmony Between Transit Modes

At the recent 2017 APA National Planning Conference in New York City, CallisonRTKL released Urban Shift, a compilation of trends and influencers driving the design and development of modern cities along with key project examples. This post is the third in a series that takes Urban Shift a step further in exploring how urban planners […]

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Face the Facts: Evidence-Based Design in Healthcare

Angela Crum explores the ways in which research can influence and drive our design process. Every day we make decisions based on hard evidence. From what foods to eat that will help us lose weight to which medicines to take and beyond, we rely on facts and research to determine our course of action. So, […]

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DATÜM: Active Aging

Move over, millennials: the baby boomer generation has more leisure time and disposable income than you, and they’re busy redefining retirement and making waves in the market. Designing for more age-inclusive environments requires a fresh look at what it means to age actively, and the opportunities are endless. BREAKING STEREOTYPES Millennials may be the most […]

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Fluid Platforms and the Evolution of the “Third Place”

At the recent 2017 APA National Planning Conference in New York City, CallisonRTKL released Urban Shift, a compilation of trends and influencers driving the design and development of modern cities along with key project examples. This post is the second in a series that takes Urban Shift a step further in exploring how urban planners […]

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