Posts about You Are Here

Multifaceted Programming Will Bring Design into the Future

CRTKL’s Clayton Whitman recaps his ICFF and IIDA NY events. The future of design is in the hands of the most innovative designers—those who dare to push the limits, break barriers and try new things. This May, I attended two different panels in New York City that brought together some of such designers, and when […]

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Creative Disruption or Retail Apocalypse: Tectonic Changes to the Retail Landscape

This post is a recap of Cindi Kato’s retail landscape panel at the Urban Land Institute’s Spring Meeting. The impact of online shopping on customer expectations has created a unique challenge for retailers and mall developers. We are currently seeing diverse new digital platforms entering the lives of mall developers, retailers, brands and customers at […]

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Exploring the New-Old Landscape

CRTKL’s David Curtis explores recent developments in building repositioning. Urban centers are growing—and quickly. But as people flock to cities, the scarcity of available land is leaving developers at a loss. When there’s no buildable land left, how do we even begin to accommodate the swelling number of city-dwellers? Well, our first step is to […]

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Disrupting the Fundamentals: Changing the Rules of Infrastructure

At the recent 2017 APA National Planning Conference in New York City, CallisonRTKL released Urban Shift, a compilation of trends and influencers driving the design and development of modern cities along with key project examples. This post is the first in a series that takes Urban Shift a step further in exploring how urban planners […]

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Bigger Isn’t Always Better

CRTKL’s Billy Plummer and Alfredo González discuss why big box retailers like Target are opting for smaller format stores in the age of online retail. If you glance at today’s headlines, you might conclude that doomsday is near for retail. The classic American mall is dying. Online retailers are taking over. Corporations are announcing cuts. […]

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