Posts about You Are Here

Pave Paradise, Put Up a Parking Lot?

CallisonRTKL’s Emily Drake recaps a Texas ASLA Conference panel discussion with planning and urban design colleagues Erich Dohrer and Ken Howell and Peter Braster, Director of Special Projects for the City of Plano, examining how the “Mall of the Future” can rethink the relationship between the built and natural environments. Adapt or die: that is […]

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This blog entry is the third of a series by CRTKL’s Nate Cherry that investigates changing attitudes and with them, the changing physical environment of Los Angeles. When considering the future of Los Angeles, it’s interesting to look at the changing role of its infrastructure. I would argue we are experiencing a transformation in our […]

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Scenes from Salone: Inspiration and Installations from Milan

Senior Associate Bridgette Hyde takes us inside her inspirational finds from Milan Design Week 2017 and Salone del Mobile. This April, I attended Milan Design Week and Salone del Mobile. As a retail designer, these events offered endless inspiration. Below are installations that are still on my mind and already influencing my work:   YET […]

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This blog entry is the second of a series by CRTKL’s Nate Cherry that investigates changing attitudes and with them, the changing physical environment of Los Angeles. Los Angeles has always been a place focused on individual expression. With a new generation of creative young people making their impact on the city, Los Angeles is turning […]

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Answering Retail’s SOS: Market Signals Point the Way

Katie Sprague talks finding opportunity in the challenges presented by the ever-evolving retail landscape. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that the retail world is in turmoil, that the shopping centre is dying, or that online shopping is going to drive bricks and mortar out of business, I’d be a wealthy […]

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