Posts about You Are Here

Health, the Hacienda and a Holistic Approach to Senior Living

As a generation’s care needs and preferences change, residential design innovates to keep up. Many of us dream of retirement; of a future independent of the burden of work, the responsibilities of parenting and perhaps even the yoke of home ownership. Yet full independence is hard to come by: the U.S. Department of Health and […]

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Designing for passion in the worklpace

All Work and No Play: Designing for Passion in the Workplace

Associate Bonnie Toland discusses how to design for passion and productivity. As a child, my mother would tell me, “Finish your work first, then you can play.” The idea that work is a task to complete before life can happen has colored my academic and professional life. It’s a widespread concept that cripples creativity and […]

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Beyond Retail: Part 1

In part one of a three-part series, CallisonRTKL Vice President Kyle Jeffery examines how blurring the lines of retail can have enormous impact. In the past, retail was a space that relied on transaction rather than interaction. But now everyone—and I don’t just mean millennials—wants more than that. To compete with online shopping, we have […]

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The Mall of the Future, an Rx for New Life

Mall of the Future at ULI from CallisonRTKL on Vimeo. Following the release of Mall of the Future, an ongoing, in-depth research project aimed at predicting where the shopping mall and the retail experience are heading in the future, the team at CallisonRTKL applied the learning to a specific challenge: how do you resuscitate an […]

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