Posts about You Are Here

Reimagining a California Beach Community

How environmentally and culturally sensitive development can transform a waterfront environment Imagine a lively community pier filled with local residents, families and visitors. Beachgoers flock to the area and stick around even after the sun goes down, catching a movie or taking a ride on the Lightning Racer rollercoaster. Fishing poles galore stretch out into […]

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Shout it from the Rooftop: A One-of-a-Kind Retail Strategy

Associate Jayme Schutt discusses her creative process, the message behind brands and how retailers can capitalize on customization. Retailers have always seen the importance of creating a brand—something that shouts from the rooftop, “This is who we are!” And, in a world where the consumer is personalizing almost everything, it only makes sense that retail […]

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Putting Holiday Spirit into Retail

The shopping season is upon us. CRTKL’s Joan Insel talks retail branding and how the smartest retailers will stand out this year. While Silent Night may be a time-tested holiday classic, silent nights are perhaps a retailer’s worst nightmare. As technology and online shopping expand their grip, retailers are looking for new ways to attract […]

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