Posts about You Are Here

Resilient Retail: Designing for Longevity

Jeff Gunning discusses how agility and creativity can help shopping centers stay on the fast track. Can shopping centers keep pace with a turbulent retail market, along with changing consumer preferences and expectations? At CallisonRTKL, we believe that it can—but only by anticipating and driving market changes. Shopping center design is about so much more […]

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Working the Workplace: IFMA’s World Workplace Facility Conference

CRTKL’s Jodi Williams and Joelle Jach spoke at 2016’s IFMA World Workplace Facility Conference. On the blog, Jach discusses her experience. CallisonRTKL was proud to sponsor two presentations at this year’s IFMA World Workplace Facility Conference, and I was honored to be given the opportunity to speak. This year’s conference was packed with insights on […]

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Challenging Tradition: The Evolution of Law Office Design

This October, workplace interior designers Donell Ellis, Callie Reid and Stefana Scinta attended Work Design Magazine’s “The Evolution of Law Office Design” panel discussion. They returned to the office with new ideas about how to break barriers and challenge traditional hierarchies in law offices. Here’s what they learned about the design for the offices of […]

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Matthew as Metaphor

CallisonRTKL’s Nathan Cherry discusses hurricanes, the San Francisco waterfront and how we can future-proof our urban waterfronts.   Hurricane Matthew has brought renewed attention to the importance of adaptive strategies in the planning and future-proofing of our urban waterfronts. Adaptive planning can address a variety of objectives, including reducing the impact of a direct storm event such as Hurricane Katrina, avoiding damage […]

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Exploring the New Frontier in a BIG Way

The 2016 CallisonRTKL Design Conference took place September 19-22 in New York City. “Excelsior”—New York’s state motto, which means “ever upwards”—was the theme of this year’s event, which brought together 18 up-and-coming designers from each of the firm’s global offices for two days of professional development, team-building and design inspiration. This post is the second in […]

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