Posts about You Are Here

Tesla: How a Super-Fly Car Can Change the World

The 2016 CallisonRTKL Design Conference took place September 19-22 in New York City. “Excelsior”—New York’s state motto, which means “ever upwards”—was the theme of this year’s event, which brought together 18 up-and-coming designers from each of the firm’s global offices for two days of professional development, team-building and design inspiration. This post is the first […]

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What Bankers Should Learn from the Telecommunications Industry

Quick!  Think of three words to describe the typical bank branch.  If your list includes words like “old,” “tired,” or “lonely,” keep reading. Now think of three words to describe your local mobile phone store.  If you came up with “energetic,” “youthful,” or “service-oriented,” definitely keep reading.   Not long ago, mobile phone stores were […]

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DATÜM: Frictionless Airport Retail

Through technological advancements, security measures at airports are becoming more streamlined, and passengers in the future will be able to arrive later, leaving them less time to shop. How can retailers successfully capture the impulse purchase inclinations of this unique audience in the quickly shrinking time before arrival and takeoff?   Influence A world of […]

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Design Culture in Dubai Draws Increased Attention

Innovation and sustainability drive an increasingly global design culture in Dubai, says CRTKL’s Harold Thompson. For many years, the UAE has set the global bar for iconic architecture—pushing the boundaries of aesthetics, technology and delivery. With the articulation of the UAE Vision 2021 by H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai, that […]

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The Future of Cars is Driving the Future of Retail

CallisonRTKL’s Yogesh Seth discusses the rise of the Mall of the Future and the fall of cars. We don’t love our cars anymore—or at least, not much. Vintage cars, drive-in theaters and Americans’ unhealthy obsession with their automobiles are all fading into the background as nostalgic relics of the past. As the next generation’s desire […]

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