Posts about You Are Here

Architecture to Die For

With the Kagan Fellowship around the corner, I’ve started thinking a lot about a subject I have always wanted to explore – the architecture of the dead. For as long as humans have inhabited the earth, there has been a ceremonial facet to death. In fact, archeologists have discovered 70,000 year old fossilized human remains […]

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Along for the Ride (Part 2)

As the world’s cities get smarter about accommodating cyclists, implementing some of the concepts discussed in Part 1 of Alice Phillips’ post, new people will likely climb aboard, eager to seek cycling’s promised benefits. Are you cycling yet? Cycling in London is having a moment. In 2012, the much-lauded “Boris Bikes” cycle share scheme coupled […]

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Beyond the Fence: Planning LA’s 21st Century Aerotropolis

I must say, I’m a bit concerned and disappointed about the lack of current comprehensive thinking about LAX and its relationship to LA as a whole. While the recent unveiling of the LAX Northside Plan Update, the LAX SPAS Draft EIR open house/public meetings, and the plans metro has developed for extension of light rail […]

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