Posts about You Are Here

Datum Sensory Driven Design

DATÜM: Sensory-Driven Design and Emotional Connection

This is the first in a second series of exploratory posts by some of CallisonRTKL’s research experts on how design impacts the guest experience—from hotels to workplaces, retail stores, hospitals and everywhere in between—and the common elements and strategies we leverage to create spaces that are people-centric, experiential and memorable. Each day, we as consumers […]

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Around the healthcare water cooler featured image

Around the Healthcare Water Cooler: What Industry Insiders are Saying About Healthcare Policy Changes

CRTKL Vice President Eric Dinges asked some of his healthcare clients one big question about the future of the industry. CallisonRTKL works in a lot of different sectors, from shopping and entertainment districts to hotels to data centers. But none of these are more affected by legislative changes than healthcare. Of course, our healthcare design […]

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Balancing Convenience and Connection

One day, while waiting for my bus in downtown Seattle, I noticed two men walk by with crisp, bright orange shopping bags in hand. They carried them with the same sense of pride and prestige as a New York fashionista walking out of a Chanel store. Ahhh, yes, I remembered. Amazon Go is open. I […]

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DATÜM: The Southeast Asian Market Tackles Mobility Technology

In a world where drones deliver our packages, autonomous vehicles deliver us to our destinations and high-speed rail promises to get people and goods from point A to point B in a fraction of the time, the impact on our lives and our cities is complex and only beginning to be understood. From our daily […]

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Shopping Makes the Man: How men’s stores are influencing the entire retail sector

CallisonRTKL retail expert Ron Singler discusses the shift taking place in men’s retail Most major retailers have women on the brain. It makes perfect sense—women make 85% of consumer purchases in the United States. It makes so much sense, in fact, that in the business of retail, consumers get the pronoun “she” when describing trends […]

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